

 The evaluation is structured by Thematic areas, and it is up to the authors to decide the subject area in which they wish their work to be evaluated.

 All communications (paper and poster) are subject to a double-blind peer review system of a single round of evaluation.

 The assessment process is moderated by an Area Manager, who has the final decision in case of a discrepancy between the reviewers.

 Once the evaluation has been completed, the management system sends the result, which is considered final, to the authors..

 The abstracts of accepted papers in paper format will be published in the corresponding Proceedings Book, which will have an ISBN.

 In addition, the Heads of each thematic area will be able to select up to two papers which, by virtue of their quality, shall be submitted to the assessment process of the Journals interested in the Meeting.

 Communication of acceptance  of papers: 20 October 2024.